Monday 24 October 2011

Its alive

Yes Fat bums is alive and in a short 24 - 48 hrs will be available as an ebook through kindle and smashwords. Links to come asap

However if anyone wants to buy direct from me it can be bought for £2.00 through paypal. PDF to be sent on receipt of confirmed payment. Anyone who is interested in buying direct, email me at and i will send you an invoice

Exciting times ahead

Monday 19 September 2011

The final edit

Well its started and with all thats been going on, its a wonder. Its getting a major overhaul, not just a looking for stray commas and full stops. More sex, first time sex, more emotion. im going for it with a new found insperation for writing and a desire to get it out there.

Wish me luck hopefully in the next two weeks it will be winging its pretty wat to the wonderful world of self publishing !!

Sunday 14 August 2011

Now what

Well its finished, editing, polishing and all ready for launch into the real world. now for the really had choices... Createspace or Lulu. They seem to be my options for paperbacks. Lulu would be my prefered option ... mainly because its based in the UK but is getting a bad reputation for end product so I may have no option but to go with createspace.. which then incurs extra shipping costs and time

Nightmare really.

but then i learn of lightening source and ... agh now there are more decisions to make

I will make it an ebook, for kindle, will also do for ipod, ipad, mac as well, cover all bases but I also want some paperbacks for gifts for some very special people, as well as potential customers ...

Decisions decisions

Sunday 31 July 2011

Finished editing at last

Well thats it for editing for a while ... Its as good as its going to get without another pair of eyes on it.. which is hopefully whats going to happen over the coming weeks and then its out into the big bad world  and we will see what the paying public think of it...

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Rip Apart

I hate this process. I have a logical brian A-B in the fastest way taking as quickly as possible to acheve the goal, with as few a steps as possible to do it right but corrrectly and now I need to learn flowery or A-B meandering through c,d,e,f,g,h,and so on ... not easy for someone who doesnt think that way

I really dont want to rip anything apart not least fat bums but people cant be wrong. I do tell more than I show. Learning to show is a pain in the arse but comes so easy to people when they have been shown exactly where to change it ... not so easy when you really dont get what they are on about ..... steep learning curve

But one with grave consiquences because now 2 books I wrote yrs ago are shelved indefinately because of this tell V show. I cant face pulling them apart. They are as real as it gets. real people, real situations, real emotion, real nightmares and real anniversaries of devastating incidents to deal with. I cant deal with that just now so they are shelved... maybe 1 day they will come back out to play  but rewriting 200,000words+ is not going to be easy and I dont have time nor the inclination to start.

So fat bums it is ... I will try and fix this and then see what else can be achieved ... right now am too mad and fed up to do much ...

Saturday 25 June 2011

Decision made

We need more action, we need more going wrong... its where to put and when. I have ideas and I intend to put them into practice.

Some feedback I got from an unusual source has helped ...

I was told recently its not strong enough, etc and I didnt understand but now I do. I see the weakness's and its nearly time to make it better.... then self publish it and try and get it out there and get the feedback from the buying public. 

Maybe thats the way to go .....

I dont think i can do it before september but if I aim for that then it gives me a mini deadline and I thrive on deadlines .....

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Decisions Decisions

Its the time when i start to question whether to rip this apart and add more in... really make their days jam packed to the rafters or leave it as it is.

Ive left it along for about a month but I can still see the story in my minds eye and its driving me nuts cos I cant spot the gaps

I wish i could just write it and that was it ... no editing

Has to be said i think im the only person to read it all the way through

mmm that tells me something ......  not as fast and good as I thought then

Thursday 2 June 2011


So Ive finished editing it but someone told me today .. everything goes too well for the girls
yeah ive changed a bit so they miss a flight but catch one later but nothing major goes wrong

Maybe thats a mistake ..... mmmm food for thought

Thursday 26 May 2011

Desperately trying to edit

and make better but at a loss just now ....

Word to the wise people .... Dont edit when things aren't right !!

Saturday 23 April 2011


Woo hoo ... its finished and all chapters posted

Would love some feedback on the later chapters???

Saturday 9 April 2011

Nearing the end

Just over a week, well 9 days to my self imposed target finish date and I have about 2 and a half chapters to write, and then 4 to edit/improve.... Am I mad.

I think so.

I have the last chapter in my head, floating about and pretty much the last but one, but the one im working on just isnt flowing as quickly as I would like. Mind you the cold isnt helping .....

Whoever thought deciding what to do in rome would be this difficult. ......

Friday 18 March 2011


Mmmmmmmm reply from EMI is helpful but this maybe out of my price league

1 line , just 1 line from Bohenium Rhapsody is £500

With 20 - 22 chapters that would be approx £10,000 to £11,0000
and they can refuse outright if they dont like the book
and I need a licence for each publishing arena
Ie, paperback, e book etc and its per copies

Complicated is not the word

Maybe time for a re think .......

Wednesday 16 March 2011


Today we recieved a promising email from the PR company that looks after Brian May's interests.

It directs us to a contact at EMI who own the publising rights of Queens music and tells us that using them is not totally out of the question.

1 step forward and a big step.

It could have been an out and out NO.

So now we wait for EMI .......

Sunday 13 March 2011

Writers Block

Since being laid low with a bout of the cold ive pretty much suffered with writers block at the same time as a blocked nose.

Dunno why the two run side by side...

I'm desperate to finish, and to start the first of what will probably be may re writes, maybe thats the problem, too much pressure poured on myself.

I need to learn to RELAX, let it flow, and not feel guilty when it doesnt.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Fat Bottom Girls

Fat Bottom Girls is the product of many conversations both half drunken and sober about the imortal question. What would you spend any lottery winnings on???

What started as an innocent question exploded into a list of ideas, places to visit and shameless things to do while there. All of that was placed in a mixing bowl and stirred around with the added ingredients of a little friendly banter, some sex, lots of wine, lots of food, some interesting European destinations, their favourite musical "We will rock you" and out popped this tale.

Throw yourself into Amy and Carol's travels from Scotland to Amsterdam, where they get stoned, onwards to Paris where they take in the sights. Travel with them to Madrid, where one of them is arrested and on to Berlin, where they bungee jump. Follow them to frankfurt where they discover German Brandy before moving on to Montreau, Vienna, Milan, rome and finally London.

And thats just to mention a few escapades ...

Laugh as the best friends drink, eat, giggle, sing and play air guitar much to the disgust of others around them. But they dont care, they are on a three week holiday of a lifetime and are just iout to have fun.

There is a link to the book, where it is stored on Authonomy, on the right. Please feel free to read, comment, good or bad, its all good to me.

Plans for this are

1. Finish writing it lol
2. Get it into a publishable standard and query it
3. Most likely publish it electronically

Heres hoping !!